

Cedea is the Mineral Water of Ambasciatori del Gusto

The most respected Association bringing together the best brands in Haute Cuisine and Patisserie in Italy has chosen Cedea. We are proud to announce that Cedea is Official Partner of Ambasciatori del Gusto, the Association that brings together the best of the best of the true Italian eating culture and style.The most respected professionals in the business are part of

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The Cedea Quality wins again with the Superior Taste award!

Brussels: the International Taste Institute awarded Cedea once again. The exclusive international board of judges of the Brussels’ International Taste Institute has recognised again Cedea in their quality and taste certification. This award is a high-end highlight of the best quality products in food & drinks, on the planet. Worldwide experts are called for a blind test of products, and

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Il Sole 24 ORE publishes Cedea, sample of quality company

The authoritative financial newspaper talks of Cedea Il Sole 24 ORE, the icon of financial communication in Italy, publishes Cedea as sample of company investing in sustainability, technology and people in order to achieve the quality level that it was born for: the top. Il Sole 24 ORE focuses on the trends of the global markets in terms of value,

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La Repubblica newspaper tells about Cedea

In its weekly magazine “D” dedicated to Women La Repubblica is possibly the most well-known newspaper in Italy. On Fridays it comes with its weekly magazine “D“ dedicated to Women (D is the initial letter of Donna, the Italian for Woman). It focuses on the feminine universe on all its sides, promoting the primary role of women anywhere: society, culture,

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Cedea at the Bellavita event in Riga.

European Food & Beverage business turned on in Riga, in the annual Bellavista Expo of September. Cedea participated in the annual event of Food & Beverage business held by Bellavita, with other selected high profile Italian brands. Bellavita Expo brings together the excellence of Italy in food and beverage and it’s the leading trade show dedicated to the business, promoting

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Cedea is winner of the Luxury Lifestyle Awards!

Cedea water is officially one of the Best Luxury Waters in the world! Cedea has been awarded Best Luxury Water by Luxury Lifestyle Awards. The world famous global award selects, recognises, celebrates and promotes the best luxury goods and services all over the world. Leading on the market for more than 12 years, Luxury Lifestyle Awards evaluated more than 10,000 various goods and services in 400 categories from 60

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The Superior Taste Award to Cedea: it’s the fifth Quality & Taste award!

The International Taste Institute awarded Cedea with the Superior Taste Award. Cedea celebrates the FIFTH Quality & Taste Award!In Brussels, the Dolomites’ Luxury Mineral Water has been given the Superior Taste Award by the International Taste Institute, global organisation with a special jury: the world’s Best Chefs and Sommeliers. The International Taste Institute, formerly known as ITQI – International Taste

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Cedea is given the Quality Certification by the Acque Minerali Academy

The international well-known organisation Acque Minerali Academy has awarded Cedea with its official Quality Certification. The quality of Cedea mineral water is awarded once again! We are pleased to announce that Cedea has been awarded by the Acque Minerali Academy with their worldwide recognised Quality Certification. Acque Minerali Academy is an international institution promoting the culture of Mineral Waters, aiming

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Introducing Cedea 8.1

Cedea Luxury Mineral Water presents the returnable glass version: Cedea 8.1. In order to expand its high-end target, Cedea created a new product version: the Cedea 8.1.The new design was generated to specifically address one of the main features of Cedea: it’s alkaline value pH 8.1. In fact, the market trends show the global increasing interest for the alkaline waters,

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Cedea is on Gambero Rosso!

The famous prestigious magazine of wine and food published Cedea water. Gambero Rosso, the very well known magazine specialising in the culture of food and wine, published Cedea mineral water in its February Issue. Gambero Rosso is a widely recognised platform masthead, printed and digital. It’s famous for its indisputable competence and its authoritative role in the discussion of any

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