The most respected Association bringing together the best brands in Haute Cuisine and Patisserie in Italy has chosen Cedea. We are proud to announce that Cedea is Official Partner of Ambasciatori del Gusto, the Association that brings together the best of the best of the true Italian eating culture and style.The most respected professionals in the business are part of
The authoritative financial newspaper talks of Cedea Il Sole 24 ORE, the icon of financial communication in Italy, publishes Cedea as sample of company investing in sustainability, technology and people in order to achieve the quality level that it was born for: the top. Il Sole 24 ORE focuses on the trends of the global markets in terms of value,
In its weekly magazine “D” dedicated to Women La Repubblica is possibly the most well-known newspaper in Italy. On Fridays it comes with its weekly magazine “D“ dedicated to Women (D is the initial letter of Donna, the Italian for Woman). It focuses on the feminine universe on all its sides, promoting the primary role of women anywhere: society, culture,